B6RG Immunodeficient Mouse
Immunodeficient mouse for immunology and oncology research

Model characteristics
Strain name:
Inbred mutated mouse, GEMM
Ciphe, Marseille France, in 2019
Colour and related genotype:
Black mouse, a (a/a) non agouti
Performance de reproduction :
Description of our model and application areas
The B6RG (or B6Rag2γc) mouse is a severely immunodeficient mouse with two Knock Out (KO) genetic mutations: the γc KO gene (Interleukin 2 receptor gamma chain, IL2rgtm1) and the Rag2 KO gene (the 2 recombinase activation gene) on a C57BL/6N genetic background.
The Rag2tm1 mutation commonly called Rag2 is a KO mutation of the gene coding for the 2 recombinase enzyme that plays a key role in producing T and B receptors of the cells. This lack blocks the development of T and B cells and leads to an immune deficiency.
Homozygous mice for this mutation appear with a total lack of peripheral T and B lymphocyte cells.
The IL2rgtm1 mutation called γc is a KO mutation of the gene coding for the c gamma chain that is common (in particular) to interleukins (IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9 and IL-15).
This gene is necessary for the differentiation and the function of numerous hematopoietic cells with a full impact on the development of Natural Killer cells (NK).
The combination of both mutations Rag2tm1-IL2rgtm1 on a B6 background, leads to a severe immunodeficiency with no T, B and NK lymphoid cells.
The B6RG (IL2rg and Rag2) mouse has proven to be helpful for studies that include, for instance, transplants of allogeneic or syngeneic tumoral stem cells.
The B6RG (B6Rag2γc) strain is also helpful in combination with B6Rag2 and B6γc mice for studies aiming at understanding the role of T, B and NK cells in host resistance to tumors and infectious agents in particular.
JANVIER LABS obtained the B6RG (C57BL/6N-Rag2tm1-IL2rgtm1/Rj)
through a homologous recombination (ES cells from B6N mice), developed at the Centre d’Immunophénomique (Ciphe, Marseille, France) in 2019.
Whereas other animal models that carry similar genes generally appear with a B6-129s joint genetic background, the JANVIER LABS B6RG strain is specifically and exclusively expressed on a C57BL/6NRj background.
Thus the genetic nature of the strain is perfectly controlled and homogeneous. Animals are bred so as to maintain both the genetic background and the mutations of interest in their homozygous forms.
The B6RG strain is bred in an inbred manner and the phenotype is controlled according to the JANVIER LABS GENETIC POLICY®.
Main application and research fields
Haematological parameters

Flow cytometry analysis, spleen
All lymphoid organs of our models were analysed

Phenotypic characterisation
This model has been entirely characterized. The immunological and hematological parameters were characterized by Center of Immunophenomics (Ciphe, Marseille, France).

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