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Health standard

Maintaining the health status (SPF and SOPF) of experimental research models is a major factor for the success of your research projects

In this global context, each animal model of biomedical research requires more than ever the standardisation, in particular regarding the health status. JANVIER LABS sets it apart with a policy of strict health control whose standard is beyond FELASA recommendations

  • The reliability of the health status of our animals relies upon our 60 years of expertise, of professionalism in SPF and SOPF rodent breeding in a confined environment.

  • On a periodic basis, all health monitoring analyses of our animal facilities are carried out by independent laboratories. Corresponding health certificates are available on our website and sent with the animals we deliver.

  • JANVIER LABS assures you of the safest human, organisational and material means to supply you with SPF and SOPF animals free of germs that could interfere with your research.

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