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Colony housing and management
Production of specific and complex research models such as genetically altered mouse and rat models, requires a high skill level in many scientific fields as well as a technological platform able to supply high quality animals on time and at reasonable cost.
Rodents in contract breeding are bred according to our quality criteria and with due regard to our ethics policy which preserves natural and maternal behavior and increases zootechnical performances.
- We assure SOPF and SPF status of your rodents.
- Health monitoring is performed by independent laboratories, signifying the neutrality and objectivity of the results.
- Our genotyping process allows to obtain rapid, standardized and reliable results.
- Animals are delivered by our own in-house transport department.
All stages are managed by a unique and dedicated project manager in order to ensure the full respect of your needs and your requirements.
- Species: mice and rats
- Average time of the service: depending on your goals
- Prerequisite: biological material (animals or sperm or embryos) of your genetically altered strain(s)
- Health status: SOPF or SPF
- Delivery: shipment of mice or rats (SOPF or SPF) according to your needs (quantity, sex, genotypes, frequency to be determined). It is also possible to deliver biological material (biological products, organs …) from your animals – in-house transport department.
- Contract breeding software: (access 24/24 7/7)
- Project management: unique and dedicated project manager (PhD in molecular biology/genetics) from the beginning to the end of the project
« Gain time, free up space and save resources: entrust the management of your genetically altered models to our experts! »
→More time for you to concentrate on your core business!
Outsource your breeding to:

Minimize the constraints linked to breeding of genetically altered strains

Entrust the strains to breeding experts

Ensure a health status (SOPF or SPF)

To free up space in your animal facility and benefit from an adapted structure

Optimize your time

A quick need of a large number of animals for your strain
Health status: your animals can be bred with the SOPF or SPF status (according to your choice) in innovative housing conditions. Health monitoring is carried out by independent laboratories, signifying the neutrality and objectivity of the results.
Welfare: our quality criteria and the respect of our ethics policy allow us to keep the natural and maternal behaviour of the rodents, what maximizes zootechnical performances.
Traceability: you benefit from a secured online access to our contract breeding software ( to follow in real time the operations on your animals, to enter the genotyping results, to transmit instructions, to manage your budget, export data to Microsoft Excel … The software has many modules (one for the financial management) and is available in French, in English and in German. It enables a complete traceability of all animals, their lineage and the associated services. Animals are identified by transponder (electronic chip) according to the ISO standard 11784/11785.
Project management: a dedicated manager is at your service from the beginning until the end of the project in order to define with you the best breeding strategy for your strains:
- By defining your needs: production of batches according to defined frequencies, maintenance of a nucleus of live animals, development of customized protocols …
- By suggesting you a breeding strategy that can be changed according to your goals
- By training you to the use of the contract breeding software for an access in real time to the data
- By coordinating and assuring a permanent follow-up of your project and by sending to you progress reports on a monthly basis
- By providing a scientific support for any question you have
Our project managers are characterized by their responsiveness, their professionalism, their expertise and their ability to adapt to the customer’s goals.
In-house transport: your animals are repatriated and/or delivered by our own in-house transport department.
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