JANVIER LABS developed an efficient department for cryopreserving embryos with the vitrification technique. We offer you to cryopreserve embryos of your rodent models with this technique. We also use vitrification to supply frozen embryos of our JANVIER LABS strains at different pre-implantation development stages (see our JANVIER LABS embryo kits).
The cryopreservation of embryos is generally recommended for complex strains and where preservation of the genetic background is required. Indeed, the cryopreserved genetic material will be fully recovered and this technique will freeze the characteristics and prevent genetic drift.
Cryopreservation allows to secure your models.
Insuring against production failures.
Insuring against disastrous events (fire, technical failure …)
Doing a “T0” on microbiota during embryo recoveries.
Cryopreservation also allows to make savings:
Reducing the number of animal cages in breeding.
Release space in your animal facilities: on average 75% of models present in your animal facilities are not in an active study!
To put in place considered breedings using live animals only during their use.
To facilitate resource sharing.
Exchanges of straws are easier and more ethical than exchanges of animals.
Added values of JANVIER LABS:
Performed at JANVIER LABS via natural matings and non IVF ones for a better quality of cryopreserved embryos and a good capacity of subsequent revitalisation.
Cryopreservation by vitrification
Possibility of performing a mixed sperm and embryo cryopreservation in order to dispose of 2 frozen forms of a model and to be able to dispose of the interests of both.
In Vitro quality control (QC1) carried out for each batch of frozen embryos of a strain
Collection of the animals necessary to the service, by our transport service when it is located in our transport zone or by our approved partners
Receipt of your animals at our External Reproductive Sciences Laboratory
Sampling and storage of biopsies for potential genotype control
Natural mating of your males with your females or with JANVIER LABS WT females of the corresponding genetic background or of another background of your choice
Embryo cryopreservation by vitrification
In Vitro quality control included by thawing and culture of embryos for 24 hours
Storage of straws in dual controlled and secured cryo-storage locations
Keeping your original animals remaining until the validation of the service
Transmission of regular progress reports during the service
Assistance and technical support for the management of your project