Rescuing of a strain may be necessary when one is faced with fertility problems, production stopping or incidents in the facilities. The use of this service can also be a solution if available animals are too old.
At JANVIER LABS’s, we master various advanced methods that will allow us to diagnose the problem. Depending on the animals that you have available, we can offer you the solution to rescue your strain.
If you have only males: it is often possible to recover viable animals after in vitro fertilisation. This method will allow you to quickly get started with a new colony.
If you have only females: we can offer you an ovary transplant to a co-isogenic genetic background.
Rescue of the strain using males
Stage 1
– Receipt of your animals at our External Reproductive Sciences Laboratory
– Sampling and storage of biopsies for potential genotype control
– Preliminary tests on males for detection of cryptorchidism and mating with JANVIER LABS’s females (detection of vaginal plugs).
– Depending on the test results: in vitro fertilisation with JANVIER LABS oocyte donor females
– Transfer of fertilised embryos to pseudopregnant females.
– Housing of the reimplanted females in isolators for 3 weeks
Stage 2
– Housing of pups in isolators
– A complete health monitoring
– Shipping of all SOPF animals obtained
Rescue of the strain using females
Stage 1
– Receipt of your animals at our External Reproductive Sciences Laboratory
– Sampling and storage of biopsies for potential genotype control
– Depending on the test results: in vitro fertilisation with JANVIER LABS oocyte donor females
– Mating of transplanted females with WT males of the corresponding genetic background
– Offspring mating with JANVIER LABS WT animals of the corresponding genetic background
Stage 2
– Offspring mating with JANVIER LABS WT animals of the corresponding genetic background
– Sampling and embryo transfer in SOPF pseudopregnant females
– Housing in isolator of reimplanted females and their offspring for 11 weeks (3 weeks pregnancy + 8 weeks of ageing for the SOPF animals of the strain)
– A complete health monitoring
– Shipping of the SOPF animals obtained