Golden Hamster

Model characteristics
Outbred hamster
Strain name:
Zentralinstitut für Versuchstierzucht (Hannover) - 1990
Colour and related genotype:
Dark ears and black eyes
Difficult to rear
Description of our model and application areas
Professor AHARONI collected the first hamster litter in 1930 during a zoological expedition to Syria, in order to find suitable hamsters for the study of Leishmaniosis. He gave them to Mr BEN MANACHEN, from Hebrew University, Jerusalem who bred them. ALDER started experiments on golden hamster in 1930. He distributed the animals in France and the UK. Later, some breeders were sent to the USA, Egypt and India.
Its head has two prominent black eyes and two small round ears. Its tail is just a short furry appendage. The hamster has cheek pouches, in which it can store considerable amounts of sustenance.
They are used in experimental tumour growth, metabolism studies, nutrition and caries studies. This model is also used in infectious and cardiovascular disease studies. It is also the only lab animal that can hibernate.
Main application and research fields
Growth curve

Reproductive data
Monogamous mating according Robertson System

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