Discover the innovative BRGS A2DR2 mouse model

The new BRGS A2DR2 model is ideal to study human immunity.
These next-generation humanized mice expressing HLA transgenes exhibit improved human immune reconstitution and functionality, and better recapitulate human diseases.
The BRGS A2DR2 is particularly relevant to decipher the drug candidates mode of action and gives an opportunity to precisely evaluate new therapies in the fields of oncology, immunology, inflammation, auto-immunity and infectious diseases.
The BRGS A2DR2 or Balb/c Rag2 γc Sirpa is a severely immunodeficient inbred model on a Balb/c background) and carries two Knock Out (KO) genetic mutations. The combination of these two mutations, Rag2T and IL2rgTm1, induces a severe immunodeficiency with absence of T, B and NK lymphocyte compartments.
Associated to the Sirpa (NOD Background) gene, it increases xenotransplantation permissivity.
The BRGS A2DR2 model allows preclinical studies with prolonged timelines, in particular efficacy studies with human CDX and PDX xenografts.
Why choose the BRGS A2DR2 mouse?

BRGSirpaNOD animals were generated and then backcrossed (speed congenics) to BALB/c(n) background for six generations.
Human HLA molecules: HLA-A*02-HHD class I and HLA-DRB1*15 class II transgenic mice (B6 background), have been then backrossed (>10 generations) to the Balb/c Rag2 γc Sirpa strain (BRGS) , to create the BRGS A2DR2 Strain.
The BRGS A2DR2 strain carries the transgenes expressing the human HLA molecules A2 and DR2.
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