Model characteristics
Strain name:
Mutant inbred rat, GMO
Janvier Labs, 2023
Colour and related genotype:
Albino rat
Performance de reproduction :
Description of our model and application areas
The SDR rat is an immunodeficient model carrying a knockout (KO) of the Rag1 gene, encoding for the recombination activating protein 1. The inactivation of the Rag1 gene, achieved through Crispr Cas9 technology, prevents the production of functional T and B lymphocytes, resulting in a complete immunodeficiency within the adaptive immune system.
The original Sprague Dawley strain was created by R. W. DAWLEY around 1925 from a male hybrid hooded rat of unknown origin and an albino female (likely WISTAR). The male was then crossed with the offspring of this female for 7 generations.
The SPRAGUE DAWLEY® rat is a non-consanguineous albino rat with an elongated head and a tail longer than its body. This rapidly growing rat is docile and easy to handle.
Main application and research fields
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