Model characteristics
Inbred rat
Strain name:
Zentralinstitut für Versuchstierzucht (Hannover) - 1990
Colour and related genotype:
Agouti rat, A/A, B/B, C/C, H/H, P/P - MHC: RT1av1 Erythrocyte antigens: RT2b RT8b - Lymphocyte antigens: RT6bRT7a
Difficult to rear
Description of our model and application areas
This strain was bred by Dr T.T. ODELL Jr. from stock of unstated origin at the OAK Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee (USA) up to generation F11. It was then transferred to Dr Darcy WILSON at the WISTAR INSTITUTE, who named it DARK AGOUTI because of its colour and because it expressed the d blood group allele. PALM and BLACK suggested that this strain could be related to the COP strain (1971).
This strain develops spontaneous urinary bladder tumours (54 % in males and 14 % in females) with a peak incidence between 25 and 30 months. This strain is susceptible to the induction of autoimmune thyroiditis.
The DARK AGOUTI is a very good model for acute and chronic arthritis because it is highly susceptible to its induction by type II rat collagen or Freund’s adjuvant.
Main application and research fields
Growth curve
The growth curve represents an average which reflects the weight variation of the strain measured between 21 and 84 days for males and females.

Biochemical and hematological parameters
of 10-week old DARK AGOUTI DA/Han Rj rats

Reproductive data
Monogamous mating

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