NMRI Mouse

Model characteristics
Outbred mouse
Strain name:
Zentralinstitut für Versuchstierzucht (Hannover) - 1982
Colour and related genotype:
Albino mouse - Tyrc/Tyrc
Good breeder
Description of our model and application areas
Outbred, 9-mouse colony, originally from Swiss, from Lausanne (C. Lynch – 1926), transmitted to Poiley (1937), maintained as an inbred strain up to F51 (named NIH/PI) before being transmitted to the Naval Medical Research Institute – to the Bundes- Forschungsanstalt für Viruskrankheiten (1955) and then the Central Institute for Laboratory Breeding (Hannover – 1958).
SOPF NMRI mice are ideal sentinels because they will readily seroconvert.
Main application and research fields
Biochemical and hematological parameters
of 10-week old RjHan:NMRI mice

Reproductive data
Bigamous mating

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