Metabolic mouse

Model characteristics
Strain name:
Bom Holtgard (Denmark) - 1996
Colour and related genotype:
Obese black mouse, a/a, Lepob/Lepob
Non obese mouse (control): a/a, Lepob/+/+ or a/a, +/+
This model is produced by IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)
Description of our model and application areas
The ob mutation is a spontaneous autosomal recessive mutation on chromosome 6 (leptin gene), it appeared in the V/Le stock at The JACKSON LABORATORY in 1949. The mutation was propagated in the C57BL/6J inbred strain by backcrossing for more than 45 generations.
Homozygous mice are identifiable by their obesity at about 4-5 weeks of age. This obesity is characterized by hyperplasia and hypertrophy of adipocytes. It shows polyphagia, a Diabetic syndrome (type 2 diabetes) with hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia (increase in the number and size of the islets of Langerhans pancreatic cells β), insulin resistance, scar tissue formation defects, thermoregulation problems, hyperlipemia, increase in hormone production by pituitary and adrenal glands. This diabetic syndrome is genetic-background dependent. On a C57BL/6J background, hyperglycemia is mild and transient; it appears at around 1 month of age and disappears around 5 months of age.
Main application and research fields
Growth curve
The growth curve represents an average which reflects the weight variation of the strain measured between 21 and 84 days for males and females.

Glucose and Insuline
Glucose and Insuline

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